Forbes gives us a rundown of things that you should never say to a car dealer. The first one is: "I'm ready to buy now". According to Forbes: "It shows that you're too eager and willing to consider an offer, and it also gives salespeople the advantage by allowing them to talk you up as opposed to you talking them down."
Another is don’t say "I can afford this much per month". The reason according to Rob Gentile of Consumer Reports is that "often the dealer will focus on a monthly payment scheme, insisting you are receiving a great deal, but at the end of the day you won't really know what you paid."
You should never mention that you have a trade-in. This is because dealers will highlight the pros of trade-in but in the end, you will get less for your old car than when if you sell it on your own. Forbes also advises you not to say "I'm only buying the car with cash" but advises to say something like "I haven't really thought that through yet. Maybe we'll see what you have after we agree on a price." The other things that you should never say are: "I'm not sure…which model do you think I need?"; "Oh, I've wanted one of these all my life."; "I'll take whatever the popular options are."; "What's the lowest price you can give me?"; "Sure, I'll look at the numbers with you."; "I think you can do a lot better than that."
This site gives humorous approach to the tips which reads: "I'm ready to buy (ka-ching!), I can afford this much (over twelve years then), Yes, I have a trade in (let the games begin!), I'm paying cash (we HATE you), I'm not sure what vehicle I want (we know EXACTLY what we want to sell), I've wanted on of these forever (SUCKER), I'll take the popular options (yum!), What's the lowest price? (and we can't go ANY lower), Sure I'll look at the numbers (step into my parlor said the spider to the fly), I think you can do better than that (**** you!)."