Some of the things offered in workshops specialist:
1. Modified clutch by shifting the point of the clutch cable hooks;
2. Modification clutch plate and the clutch cover with another product, local or imported, Rebuilt or new;
3. Modification of the clutch lever is located above the bottom of the gearbox. Lightweight? Indeed! Unfortunately, this modification (especially numbers 1 and 2 above) can easily result in clutch slippage, the lifetime of a relatively very short and also damage to the manual transmission syncromesh you!
Is there a complete solution? yes! Go to the authorized repair shop of your car and have them replace the clutch with a full set of Valeo products (OEM-Original Equipment Manufacturer) is mild.
Apart from this minor set of coupling, the formal workshop also provides a clutch cable that uses a layer of Teflon. Replacement of this type of cable will bring you more swayed in a light clutch your favorite European car that is no less than the light coupling of the Japanese cars of any brand.